
The 10 Best Google Ads Agencies In Nairobi

10 best Google ads Agencies In Kenya

Table of contents


What is a Google Ad Agency?

How much does it cost to work with a Google Ads Agency?

What are the advantages of working with a Google Ads agency?

The 10 best Google Ads Agencies in Nairobi

How to choose the right Google Ad Agency for your business

11 Questions to Ask Your Google Ad Agency

5 tips for getting the most out of your Google Ads agency



Nairobi is known as "Silicon Savannah' and is home to a growing number of startups and companies in the technology sector. With a population of over 54 million people, Nairobi is an important market for companies looking to expand their customer base and reach new audiences.

One of the most effective ways to reach new customers and grow your business is through Pay-per-click or PPC advertising. It has revolutionized the process of marketing and advertising as it offers businesses a more efficient and cost-effective way to reach their target audience. Google Ads is one of those strategies.

Google Ads are digital marketing campaigns that allow businesses to promote their products or services on Google.com and throughout the Google network.

In this article, we look at the 10 best Google Ads agencies in Nairobi that can help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

But first things first...

What is a Google Ad Agency?

A Google Ads agency, also known as a pay-per-click (PPC) agency, is a specialized digital marketing firm that specializes in creating, managing, and maximizing ROI with PPC Advertising campaigns for businesses of all sizes.

These agencies work closely with businesses to create targeted and effective pay-per-click campaigns that drive leads and sales. They also provide ongoing management and optimization of campaigns, performance tracking, and analytics to ensure that campaigns are producing the desired results.

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How much do Google Ads Agencies charge for their services?

There is no simple answer to the question of how much it costs to work with a search marketing agency. Pricing structures can vary greatly from agency to agency, and the price you pay will ultimately depend on the services you need and the size of your budget.

That said, some general factors affect the cost of working with a Search engine advertising agency.

The first is the scope of your project. If you need a complex campaign with multiple ad types and targeting options, you should expect higher costs than if you just want to run a few simple ads.

Secondly, the size of your budget also affects the cost. Typically, agencies charge a percentage of your ad spend, ranging from 10% to 20%.

So if you spend $5,000 a month on advertising, expect to pay an agency between $500 and $1,000 a month.

Of course, this is just a general estimate, and your costs may be higher or lower depending on the agency you work with.

Finally, the level of experience and expertise of an agency can also affect the cost.

What are the advantages of working with a Google Ads agency?

If you are toying with the idea of using Google Adwords to advertise your business, you may be wondering whether you should hire a PPC agency or do it yourself. While both approaches have their advantages, there are some important reasons why working with an agency can be beneficial.

Advantages of working with a Pay-per-click agency:

  • Expertise and experience: A Google Ads agency has the knowledge and experience to create and manage effective campaigns, maximizing the results of your advertising efforts.

  • Efficiency: An agency can take care of all aspects of your campaign, from setup to ongoing management, saving you time and hassle.

  • Access to tools and resources: Agencies have access to tools and resources that you may not have access to yourself, giving you an edge in your campaigns.

  • Performance tracking and optimization: Agencies can help you track your results and make necessary adjustments to your campaigns to improve performance.

  • Insight and feedback: Agencies can provide valuable insights and feedback to help you improve your campaigns over time.

  • Customized approach: An agency can tailor your campaign to your specific business goals and target audience, ensuring that your campaigns are relevant and successful.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Agencies can help you get the most out of your advertising budget by identifying the most effective strategies and targeting options. 

  • Targeted audience reach: Agencies have access to advanced targeting options and can help you reach the right audience for your business.

  • Data analysis and reporting: Agencies can provide detailed data analysis and reporting to give you a clear understanding of the performance of your campaigns and how they can be improved.

  • Scalability: Agencies can help you scale your campaigns as your business grows, making sure you are reaching new audiences and generating more leads and sales.

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The 10 best Google Ads agencies in Nairobi

Google Ads is undoubtedly one of the most effective advertising platforms. It has a wide reach and allows you to target your audience with precision, but it can be difficult to find a reliable Google Ads company in Nairobi.

So whether you are looking for an agency to handle your Google advertising account or you just want to get informed, here's our list of the 10 best Google Ads agencies in Nairobi.

Tabala Digital Solutions

Tabala Digital Solutions is a top digital marketing agency based in Nairobi. As one of the top and certified Google Ads agencies in Kenya, they pride themselves on providing the best possible service to their clients.

Tabala Digital Solutions top Google Ads partner in Kenya

They have a team of experienced and certified professionals who are dedicated to helping their clients succeed and they can help you create and manage your Google Ads campaigns, optimize your ad spending, and track your results with accurate reporting and analytics.

They can also provide you with creative resources, such as custom graphics and landing pages, to make your campaigns even more effective.

Contact them here today to learn more about their services and how they can help you grow your business.

Kwetu Marketing Agency

KWETU Marketing Agency is a technical and digital marketing consulting agency based in Nairobi, Kenya.

It offers a wide range of digital solutions and differentiated pricing for digital packages and services to suit your goals and budget.

Growthpad Digital Consulting

Growthpad Digital Consulting is a leading Kenyan digital experience agency. It supports businesses-focused online marketing with agile design and digital solutions that change the game and drive growth.

Agency Africa

Agency Africa is an award-winning digital marketing agency based in Nairobi, Kenya. It brings passion, creativity, and well-defined processes to its work that transforms into innovative digital campaigns.

Calla Marketing

Calla Marketing is an internet marketing firm based in Nairobi, Kenya that has perfected the art and science of digital marketing and focuses on delivering results.

Kesa Digital

Kesa Digital is an agency that provides future-proof and consistent digital and marketing services to various businesses. They pride themselves on the success their clients achieve through a literary and scientific approach.

Akus Digital

Akus Digital Solution is a premier digital marketing company in Nairobi. Their team of data-driven internet marketers and tech-savvy strategists are passionate about developing innovative digital marketing strategies that help their clients grow.

Glowbal Digital

Glowbal Digital is more than a full-service digital agency; it is a strategic partner that works with businesses to help them stand out from the crowd and reach their customers.


Admoran is a digital marketing agency based in Nairobi, Kenya. It specializes in building digital brands that stand out in the market. Its focus is on helping standout brands generate more leads and sales through strategy, innovation, and leadership.

Codesmith Systems

Codesmith Systems is a premier design agency focused on quality, innovation, and speed. They leverage technology to drive results and grow their clients' businesses. They pride themselves on their high work ethic, integrity, and results.

How to choose the right Google Ads agency for your business

As the online world continues to evolve, more and more businesses are turning to Google Ads to reach their target audiences. But with so many agencies out there, how do you know which one is right for your business?

When choosing an agency, there are a few things you should look for, such as their size, experience, pricing transparency, and portfolio.

Here are some points to look for:

  • Size: You should choose an agency that is the right size for your business. If you're a small business, you shouldn't choose a large agency that works mainly with large businesses. If you're a large business, you shouldn't choose a small agency that works mainly with small businesses.

  • Experience: You should choose an agency that has experience working with companies like yours. If you are a B2B company, you should choose an agency that has experience working with other B2B companies. The agency should also understand your business and your goals for advertising on Google.

  • Portfolio: Look at each agency's portfolio and case studies. This will give you a good idea of the agency's experience and success rates. You should also ask for references from previous clients.

  • Pricing: Make sure the agency is transparent about its pricing and process. The agency should be able to answer any questions you have about how they work.

  • Friendliness of the team: You should choose an agency that you're happy to work with. You should be able to communicate with them openly and easily, and they should be responsive to your needs.

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11 questions you should ask your Google Ads agency

When you are looking for Google ad agencies to manage your account, you must ask the right questions. After all, this is an important decision that will impact your business. To help you make the best choice, below we have compiled a list of questions you should ask any potential agency.

  • What is your experience with Google Ads account management?
  • What is your strategy for managing a Google Ads account?
  • How do you handle bid management?
  • What do you think about ad extensions?
  • How do you go about keyword research?
  • How long is your minimum engagement period?
  • How high are your fees?
  • How do you optimize Google Ads campaigns for conversions?
  • What do you think about A/B testing in Google Ads?
  • What do you think about negative keywords?
  • What do you think about ad copy?

These are just some of the questions you should ask an agency before you hire them. If you do your due diligence, you can be sure you are choosing the right partner for your Google Ads account.

10 tips on how to get the most out of your Google Ads agency

If you have been following along, by now you know that working with a Google AdWords marketing agency is a great way to make the most of your budget and improve your online presence.

But what are the ways to work with an agency to get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns?

Here are ten tips:

  • Define your goals. Before you work with an agency, take the time to define your advertising goals. What do you want to achieve with your campaigns? What are your goals? When you know your goals, you can better inform your agency about what you expect from them.

  • Share your budget. It's important to disclose your budget to your agency. This will help the agency better assess what type of campaigns they can create for you and how best to use your budget.

  • Keep your goals realistic. It's important to set realistic expectations for your campaign. Remember that you probably won't see results overnight.

  • Give your agency the information it needs. Your agency will need certain information from you to create a successful campaign. Make sure you're prepared to give her the information she needs.

  • Communicate with your agency. Good communication is key to a successful relationship with your agency. Make sure you're in regular contact with your account manager and that you're keeping them updated on any changes to your business or goals.

  • Be open to experimentation. Google Ads is an ever-evolving platform, and agencies are always experimenting with new strategies and tactics. Be open to trying new things and be willing to take calculated risks.

  • Look for a long-term partnership. Ideally, you want to work with an agency that you can trust to manage your campaigns over the long term. This will ensure that your campaigns are consistently optimized and that you have a reliable partner to turn to for support.

  • Consider the cost-benefit ratio. The cost of working with a Google Ads agency should be weighed against the potential benefits of increased traffic, leads, and sales. Make sure you're getting a good return on your investment.

  • Be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day. The same is true for your Google Ads campaign. It takes time to see results.

  • Monitor progress. Regularly monitoring your campaign's progress is crucial to its success. You should be able to see metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per click. This data will give you an idea of how well your ads are performing and where you can make improvements.


Google Ads is a powerful tool for reaching new customers and growing your business. However, it can be difficult to navigate the complex platform and create effective campaigns without the help of an experienced agency.

The 10 best Google Ads agencies in Nairobi listed in this article are a great starting point for businesses looking for a partner to help them succeed with their digital marketing campaigns.

When choosing a Google Ads agency, it is important to consider the agency's experience, expertise, and pricing. Additionally, it's essential to ask the agency questions to ensure they understand your business and target audience and can create a customized strategy that meets your specific needs.

Ultimately, working with a Google Ads consultant can save you time, hassle, and money while helping you achieve your business goals. With the right agency, you can create effective campaigns that reach your target audience and generate leads and sales.

If you need help with your pay-per-click marketing. We're the leading Google ads agency in Kenya and we can help you get started. Elevate your business with a Google Ads agency today.

Tabala Digital team
Date: Dec 26 2022

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